Dental Trauma

11 Jan

Dental Trauma: What parents need to know to help their children? 

Every parent loves to see his child growing up safely and without any pain. When children explore the world, Tooth injuries can be an unfortunate reality. Sometimes it can be very common and nothing to worry about as they heal just as quickly as an injury to any other part of a fast-growing child's body.

However, other times, It can be severe and needs immediate assistance from a healthcare provider. Rarely, a child may develop serious complications.

In this post every parent will learn more about dental trauma and how to be prepared for tooth injuries.

What is Dental Trauma?

It Is physical injury to the teeth, gums, the alveolar bone (the bone that holds the tooth and sockets), or the soft tissue of the mouth including the lips and tongue.

What are the causes of Dental Trauma?

We all know that kids like to test gravity and sometimes suffer the consequences. One of the most common consequences of testing gravity is dental trauma.

When to seek help?

Many parents wonder if their child should receive medical attention after a dental or mouth injury. Children with any of the following symptoms should be evaluated by a healthcare provider:

  • If there is pain, tenderness, or sensitivity in a tooth.
  • If there is a broken, loose, or missing tooth after trauma ( the tooth could have been swallowed or inhaled)
  • If there is any swelling or redness appears on the child’s face.
  • If there are cuts or bleeding from gums, lips or inside of cheeks that doesn’t stop after applying pressure for 10 minutes.
  • If the child develops a fever(temperature 100.4°F/38°C), drooling, neck pain or stiffness, or chest pain.
  • If there is a change of the tooth color( grey, brown or bluish).

What to do at home when injuries happen?

  1. Apply pressure to the area(if it’s bleeding) with a piece of cold, wet gauze. If the child is old enough to follow directions, ask him to bite down on the gauze.
  2. Offer an ice pop to suck on to reduce swelling, or hold an ice-pack wrapped in a washcloth to the cheek.
  3. Give the right dosage of pain relief.
  4. Call your dentist 

What are the preventive measures?

  1. Make sure your child is running in a safe place away from sharp edges, and keep reminding them not to run or walk with something in their mouth.
  2. Get a mouthguard for children that play sports, making sure it fits correctly.
  3. Provide your child with a healthy diet, take him to the dentist twice on the calendar, and teach them to brush their teeth twice a day to keep their teeth good and strong.

What is the treatment?

The treatment for dental injuries depends upon the child’s age, the type of injury and whether the injured tooth is a primary (baby) or permanent (adult) tooth.

Hopefully, you know what to look for when your child experiences dental trauma. At Alexandria Center Of Dentistry, we offer a Convenient, effective treatments for children with an affordable cost. Book an appointment or get in touch with us today at 703-719-9305.

